“I experienced a lot of bullying growing up and started drinking and smoking pot at age 14. 我和大一点的孩子在一起,我只是想被接受. 第一次,我就晕过去了,想自杀. 但我想要更多. 我想被人喜欢. 逃避,感觉麻木.——艾丽西亚
我是一名三星级运动员,直到大三我在学校都很好. 我踢足球、冰球和长曲棍球. 但到了大四的时候,我开始大量饮酒和吸食大麻. 有一天我吃了维柯丁. 这比我喝酒或吸食大麻时的感觉要好得多. 它让我完全失去了自我,这就是我想要的.

I had a really good teacher who pushed me to complete my studies, but I barely graduated. 我爸妈从来不知道我吸毒的程度. 我很擅长藏东西.

By my sophomore year in college, I knew I had a problem and I got group counseling. 辅导员是实习生,不能再做了. It just became too much work to find another counselor and I didn’t want to deal with it. I dropped out my sophomore year, knowing I was disappointing my mom and dad, letting them down. 但我只是想让他们离我远点. I thought I was fine, but I know my addiction got worse after I dropped out of college.

When I was 21, I was arrested for operating a car under the influence, and lost 我的许可证. 我曾经有过一段受虐待的关系. 我被赶出了我的公寓. 后来我妈帮我进了戒毒所. Eventually, I found an apartment, got one-one-one counseling and everything was good. 我戒了四年酒. 我做得很好,我有工作, 我要去上学, 关系很好, 又和家人联系上了. Even though I was sober, my mental health always played a big role in my addiction. 我的情绪忽上忽下. 我感觉自己失去了控制,我的技能完全丧失了. 我想去死. 我有意识地决定使用海洛因. 这对我来说很容易理解,这就是我想要的. 第一次,我吸了一下. But when I watched my friend injecting it, I saw how fast she got high, I wanted that! 我讨厌针头,所以让她给我注射. 我从那里跑开了.

当你不工作的时候, 你想尽一切办法搞到热销的毒品, 偷, 为了毒品和别人上床. And when you are an IV drug user, you share needles; you just want to get high. 我不顾自己的生命. 我会爬起来,我会嗨起来. Get high at home; get high in the car—I got shot up with heroin while I was driving. 我每天至少吸毒四次,每天花费250到300美元. 你撒谎,你偷窃,你操纵. 这都是你吸毒和喝酒的结果.

2015年5月,我服药过量三次. 第一次真的很可怕. 我迷失了方向,昏倒了,说不出话来. 我醒来时,有人告诉我,我用药过量了. 除非得到帮助和治疗,否则瘾君子是不会停止吸毒的. 纳洛酮救了我的命,干净的针头有助于预防静脉传播疾病. 吸毒过量是在我公寓发生的. 第三起发生在沃尔玛的停车场.

到2015年,由于心理健康和吸毒,我患上了精神病. 当我因入室行窃被捕时,我进了监狱. 但它绝对救了我的命. 它带走了我的毒品. 我在一个安全的地方. 我终于向我妈承认我在吸食海洛因. 一天晚上,我趴在地上. 我很害怕有人路过,看到我在祈祷,然后取笑我. 但在绝望中,我请求上帝的帮助.

“上帝啊,我已经准备好长大了。”我大声说. 第二天, 我有健康保险, 被一个戒毒戒酒项目接受了, 进了九个月的戒毒所. 我学会了处理心理健康和药物滥用的技巧. 我找回了家人,和其他清醒的人做了朋友. 我这辈子第一次找到了一个真正的朋友.

现在我在试用期. 在咨询师莎莉的帮助下,我学会了保持清醒的技巧. To make good decisions…to boost my self-esteem…to find sober activities to keep me safe and healthy.

当你吸毒的时候,你的整个生活就分崩离析了. Support from counseling, family, sober friends—all played a big part in my recovery. 我已经戒酒两年半了. 我从来没有感觉这么好过. 生活是美好的. ~艾丽西亚

As one of Maine’s five counties with the highest opioid-related deaths; York County currently holds the number two spot. 在短短一年内,冰球突破急诊科就收治了37例用药过量患者! 有了你们的帮助,冰球突破可以改变这一切!

冰球突破的新成瘾疗法 & recovery program—The 恢复中心 at 纽约医院—will open its doors this month/April 2018 to our first patients suffering from Opioid and other addictions; to treat dependence issues and for the prevention of accidental overdose.

一群冰球突破的医疗服务人员,由Dr. 吉尔乔治, will be able to prescribe anti-craving medications to patients to aid in the treatment of substance use disorders. This along with the highly skilled team of licensed counselors at 纽约医院 will make up the new 恢复中心 team.

This “whole-patient” approach to the treatment of substance use disorders—through a combination of medication and therapy will:
Offer services within 48 hours – because patients need treatment when they are ready!
延长24周的重症监护, 门诊项目, 继续获得医疗辅助治疗.

Your support will impact in the lives of our recovery patients through these community health priorities:
Training Recovery Coaches who guide and support patients in long-term recovery from addiction—reducing relapses, 帮助实现工作等人生目标, 教育和人际关系. 每个康复教练每人将能够帮助30名患者!
Offering lectures and group meetings to help sustain our patients and The 恢复中心.

也许你曾经挣扎过, 或者知道有人吸毒或酗酒, 想知道为什么他们没有得到他们需要的治疗? Some just aren’t ready to stop using…others may not know where to go for treatment, 或者担心社会如何看待他们, feel ashamed; judging without knowing what they had gone through in life. 有些人没有医疗保险.

Whether it’s a loved one seeking guidance about how to help a family member with a substance use disorder, 或者在个人情况下需要帮助的人.

This is just one story of a young woman from our own community who has struggled with addiction.
The only way to see what happens is to look at individual human beings, one be one.
他们受苦并不意味着他们没有尊严. 他们不是离经叛道者. They are ordinary citizens, our neighbors, our family members, our friends, our co-workers.

“我不理解社交饮酒的概念. 我不知道一个人怎么能喝了半杯鸡尾酒就走了.“科琳
我的大脑在睡觉前永远不会停止工作. 我唯一能平息这种焦虑的方法就是喝酒. 我会看时钟,当它是下午4点59分, 我会紧张得要命, 知道我可以开始喝酒了. 这是我唯一期待的事. 到了晚上9点,我就会昏倒. 我醒来时发现身上盖着一条毯子,知道是我女儿盖的. 我是一个不清醒的酒鬼.


具有讽刺意味的是, it was a bacterial strep infection in my leg which could have taken my life—that actually saved my life. 因为它让我戒了酒. 那时候我真的是靠喝酒来维持生命. 当我体内没有酒精的时候. My hands would shake so badly I had to drink before I could even bring a fork to my mouth. 或者涂上睫毛膏.

上班时,我昏倒在办公桌前. I woke up to find my boss standing over me, shaking her head saying, “Get out of here now!“在这一点上,什么都不重要. 当我丈夫让我离开的时候. 我松了一口气. 再也没有人因为我喝酒而烦我了.

那时我什么都不在乎,只在乎什么时候,以及我能拿到多少. I grew up in a very privileged home, yet now I’d lost my home, my marriage, 我的家人, and my job. 我无家可归,在车里住了六个月.

I never was honest with my doctor about the extent to which I was drinking The counselors at 纽约医院 helped me understand my disease, 处理日常生活, 而不是因为我得了这种病而感到羞耻. 我已经戒酒八个月了. 老实说,这是这么多年来我第一次感到真正的快乐. 我以为我能要求的最好的就是满足. 去年夏天,多年来我第一次捧腹大笑.

“At 42, 我失去了一段婚姻, 我的家人, 我的许可证, 我做过很多工作,我的职业是心理学家. 毒瘾把我从郊区带到了街头.“丹尼尔
At 42, 我失去了一段婚姻, 我的家人, 我的许可证, 我做过很多工作,我的职业是心理学家. 毒瘾把我从郊区带到了街头.


It doesn’t matter where you come from, your education, or the amount of money you have. 上瘾是一个伟大的平衡器.

Addiction is a disease of denial—and the worst of the lies are the ones you tell yourself.
你以为你能控制,其实不然. 你和毒品有关系. 我知道它毁了我的生活,但我无法想象没有它的生活. 我真的不相信我有权利期待更好的东西.

清醒是我的幸福结局. 终于能够接受我的毒瘾. Understand that addiction was about disconnection from myself, others, social fabric. 这种恢复就是重新连接——诚实地看待自己,重新开始生活. 变得更好与意志力无关. ~戴夫,纽约



“Recovery has forced me to fundamentally change the person I was when I became addicted to alcohol and other drugs. I had to become rigorously honest with myself about who I had become and how that impacted my life as well as those who cared about me. I had to take responsivity for my behaviors and how they had impacted the lives of others.

上瘾使我与生活脱节. 在我康复的过程中, 我重新与自己联系, those around me and the constructive possibilities for my living as part of something greater than myself (spiritual reconnect). 与其他清醒的人保持联系, both peers and professionals (such as those one finds at the 恢复中心) is the most important support one can have. 在我无法照顾自己的时候,其他人在我康复的过程中照顾我. 他们告诉我,我是一个“病态”的人,而不是一个“坏”的人. They gave proof positive that change could happen then offered Hope, Faith and Guidance.

今天,我是一个比以前更好的人. 我为生活而存在,充实地生活.



At 纽约医院 we respect everyone who comes to us for help—and many are working toward a fresh start in life. So while this story is true, the names of our patients have been changed to protect their privacy. 谢谢你的理解.